Should you keep high calorie foods out of the house?

I’m popping on the blog today to chat about something my clients bring up all the time….


To keep high calorie foods out of the house or notttttt?


Ok, so here’s the tea….


We’ve been taught that having “unhealthy” or “bad”  food around us is the problem. 


We were told that if bad food is around, we'll be tempted, lose self control and inevitably over-eat.


How often do you hear people say things like…

“All that sugar and fat… keep that junk out of the house.”


But, are high calorie foods the real problem?

Or is it our relationship with them that needs a closer look?


From the moment we're born, society conditions us to believe that high calorie foods are inherently bad. This belief becomes deeply ingrained in our minds, influencing the way we think, feel, and behave around these foods.


REFLECT with me:


If you find yourself unable to resist a bag of chips when it's in front of you, it's not solely because of the chips themselves. It's because your beliefs about those chips shape your behavior towards them.


Our beliefs shape our behavior… chips do not shape our behavior.


If you're tired of feeling out of control around high calorie foods, it's time to delve into the underlying beliefs, unravel, and re-shape them so they support a relationship with food that actually aligns with honoring your health and making you FEEL good!


The first step is to unlearn everything diet culture has taught you and build a new, empowering connection with food. It's about embracing a mindset where you can honor your health from a place of self-love, instead of succumbing to guilt, shame, or strict rules.


Start unlocking the power of intuitive eating by downloading my FREE Ditching Diet Culture Workbook. This workbook serves as your guide to understanding the roots of your beliefs, overcoming harmful conditioning, and creating the foundation for a sustainable, loving approach to nourishing yourself.


Are you ready to break free from the chains of diet culture and embrace intuitive eating? 


Click HERE to access your FREE Ditching Diet Culture Workbook


Remember, it's not the high calorie foods themselves that hold power over us—it's our perception and mindset surrounding them.

Let's embark on this journey together and empower ourselves with food freedom!!!


Wishing you a joyful intuitive eating journey ahead!!


Why you can’t stop gaining weight!


How do you know if your relationship with food is actually healthy?