How do you know if your relationship with food is actually healthy?

Having a healthy relationship with food can mean so many different things, I could go on and on and on about all the things. 

In fact, my brain has been bouncing all over the place, so focusing on just one thing is a struggle right now.

One MAJORLY powerful driving force of a healthy relationship with food is…. 


A healthy relationship with food is driven by the intentions buried deep in your subconscious. 

These intentions show themselves in your behaviors around food. 

Think about it…. 

Have you ever gotten home after a long day to find yourself in the cabinets searching for something to munch on and then all of a sudden you are grabbing all the things… chips, cakes, whatever tasty things you can find?

Nothing is reallyyy hitting the spot, so you keep going back for more. 

And more….

And more….

You're feeling a bit out of control.

Maybe you eventually end up throwing food away or hiding food in the back of the cabinet so you'll stop being tempted. 

What's your intention around eating?

Maybe it's eating healthy? Avoiding weight gain? 

And what's the intention behind that?

Getting people to like you more? Looking good? Self discipline? Something else? 

Did these intentions result in real health promoting behavior and emotions around food? 

If not…. Are these intentions coming from a place of feeling not good enough instead of coming from a place of self worth and self love?

Is the intention behind every food choice something along the lines of….

“I can’t believe I’m doing this again”

“You’re never going to fit into that dress”

“Tomorrow I’ll get back on track”

“You need to get your shit together”

“I swear this is the last bite”


Or is the intention along the lines of…

“This is nourishing”

“This is tasty”

“This is going to feel good in my body”

“This is energizing”

“This is self loving”

“This is going to make me happy”


Which one of these do you think is actually going to result in health promoting behaviors?

Self worth, duh

Our eating behavior is driven by feelings, that are driven by thoughts, that are driven by beliefs, that make up our relationship with food. 

If you want to change your behavior…. 

First change your beliefs

Then change your thoughts

Then change your feelings

Thennnn your actual eating behavior will change. 


A relationship with food that’s centered around self love and self care is 10,0000x more likely to actually be health promoting than one that comes from a place of self hatred, guilt, shame, and lack of confidence. 


This is WILD, I know!

There’s literally a frame work that exists right now that guides you through every step of the way of shifting your beliefs -> thoughts -> feelings -> behaviors around food and it’s called THE INTUITIVE EATING FRAMEWORK. 


Head on over to my instagram for tips and tricks on how to start your intuitive eating journey today!!!


CLICK HERE: @mindbellysouldietitian


It's time to embrace the power of intuitive eating and let your journey begin!


Wishing you a vibrant and fulfilling journey ahead




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